Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Why There are New iPods Each Year


If I were a Hip-Hop American...
... I'd probably talk like this:

W-to-tha-izzon't Anyone think of tha Veggies?!
Savages! Nizzy I D-to-tha-izzon't have anyth'n against vegetarizzles or being vegan (veganism?), I jizzust don't like how mizzost of tizzy makes you feel guilty `bout ballin' thizzay synthetic mizzle you bought from McDo. I git enough guilt trips frizzay church, okay sho nuff. Bizzy off!

Now `bout tha comic, Sinfestis anotha webcomic I frequent messin' mah ridin' stroll around tha InterWeb . Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. Tatsuya Ishida's art is chillin' n his wit is downright blasphemous. Why, you ask? He likes ta poke fun at religion every now n tizzy. You have ta if yo main brotha include God n tha Devil (and tha Dragon . Drop it like its hot. East Side represent!). It's not fo` tha easily offended (read cuz its a pimp thang: stuck-up Opus Dei types) cuz its a doggy dog world. But amidst tha dizzle n pussy (and religion) jokes, he manages ta squeeze in profound ones like this strip, which, coincidentally, is one of mah favorizzles. Like Count yo Sheep, I suggest you go through tha archives aww nah. The God n Devil fanboy strips is not ta be missed. Know what im sayin?!

To see how you would sound as a Hip-Hop American, head over to, ya digg, foo? Props to my bee-yotch Pao-zizzle for sending me this dope link.


Friday, May 26, 2006
Won't Anyone think of the Veggies?!
From Click the image for the full size strip.

Savages! Now, I don't have anything against vegetarianism or being vegan (veganism?), I just don't like how most of them make you feel guilty about eating that synthetic meat you bought from McDo. I get enough guilt trips from church, okay. Back off!

Now about the comic, Sinfest is another webcomic I frequent during my morning stroll around the InterWeb. Tatsuya Ishida's art is amazing and his wit is downright blasphemous. Why, you ask? He likes to poke fun at religion every now and then. You have to if your main characters include God and the Devil (and the Dragon. East Side represent!). It's not for the easily offended (read: stuck-up Opus Dei types). But amidst the dick and pussy (and religion) jokes, he manages to squeeze in profound ones like this strip, which, coincidentally, is one of my favorites. Like Count your Sheep, I suggest you go through the archives. The God and Devil fanboy strips are not to be missed!

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Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Art of Flip-Floppery

Loves Me the YouTube.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Of MacBooks and Vanishing Billboards (part duex)
Let me just get this out of my system. The new MacBooks are out, sans the Pro monicker. They come in white and black. Just like the iPod. They have Dual Core Processors, just like the iMac and the MacBook Pro. What they don't have is a dedicated video card. In non-geek terms, that means you won't be able to do any hardcore graphic intensive things like edit video and play graphic intensive 3D games. Well, you can, but it won't be the best experience. But what they are good for everything else, like word processing, watching movies, playing music, etc. You know, average consumer (read: not tech geek) kind of activity. It's pricey, like everything Apple, starting at US$1099 (PhP57,148 sans tax) – US$100 more than the iBook its replacing. But for me, the additional Benjamin is well worth it in terms of overall performance. Plus OSX just mops the floor with Windows XP (In the operating system arena. Stand down Windows Fanboys. I'm looking at your direction, Pao).

Black is only available in the high-end model, which is US$1499 (PhP77,948 sans tax). Which is a bummer if you love everything black. I was really coveting the black MacBook until I saw real world photos (i.e. not the product shot type like you see above) of the machine. The look cheapens the MacBook. It lookes like a normal IBM/Lenovo/Dell PC. But that's just me. Judge for yourself here.

By Popular Demand: Pictures of Billboard-less EDSA (And the South Super Highway Thrown in for Good Measure)
I risked my life and the lives of other motorists to take these photos for all of you. Okay, fine, only Paolo really wanted to see these. But he made it sound like a challenge! (yeah, right) Anyway, the photo up top is from the C5 exit at the South Super Highway. The one directly above is from EDSA approaching Guadalupe Bridge. Note the ginormous empty steel/iron frame of the once most ginormous billboard in Asia (or the world, I don't really care) at the right part of the photo.

See? Doesn't it look a whole lot better than before? Don't answer that.

[Note: Don't know that the hell I'm talking about? Maybe you've missed my first blog post about Vanishing Billboards. Read it here.]

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
[RANT] Why American Politics Will Ruin the World
Save the Internet: Click hereI'm not sure if I should be posting this or not. It's something for the Americans to sort out amongst themselves, but I have an aching feeling that this won't remain inside America.

So what's all this hullabaloo about "Saving the Internet?" Well, in a nutshell, some greedy sons of bitches in the American Telecoms industry want to charge fees to the internet content providers (i.e. Google, Amazon, iTunes Music Store, etc.) a toll, if you will for the Information Super Highway. And now, they want the American Congress to write a bill implementing these fees. So what happens if this bill becomes law and companies refuse to pay the fee? They will most probably block their site from access, much like those annoying firewall messages you get at work for trying to access "Hot Lesbian Catholic College School Girls on Crack" Video on YouTube. The common example is if Google refuses to pay the ISP the fee, then the ISP will block all traffic from Google and redirect it to, say, because Yehey pays the ISP and we all know how cool Yehey is (sarcasm alert).

So, why should we care about this since we're a bajillion miles form the Land of the Greedy Free and we have our own politicians to worry about? Well, Me likes the Interweb. Me hates censorship. Me doesn't trust PLDT. I don't really think PLDT has its own Internet infrastructure in place, or any local ISP for that matter. I believe we're only piggy-backing on some big shot American ISP that's providing the bandwidth for the whole country. Even if we weren't, what will prevent PLDT and other ISPs to follow suit in this country? In short, what has the US done recently that did not affect anything globally? (cough, War on Iraq, cough cough, Gas prices, cough, cough)

What are we to do about it? Nothing really. We can't really sign the petition online since we're not American citizens. Except for Ben and Earl. (Go and sign the damn petition!) I just wanted to let you guys know that those Krazy Amerikhans are up to something again that can ruin something good for the rest of the world. Just take a look at the shitty Hollywood remake of Il Mare. Read more about Net Neutrality and Saving the Internet here. Knowing is half the battle.®

In Other News... When Creatives Collide
I found this photo on Yahoo News. Now, y'all know the one on the right, that be Stevie Spielberg, one of the best directors in American Cinema (note how I didn't use "Hollywood"). The one on the left is Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo Japan, the Legendary Game Designer who brought us Super Mario Bros. and Legend of Zelda. What the heck are they doing? Playing with the "Wii." What's a Wii? It's Nintendo's next console. See the remotes in the photo? That's the controllers. It's motion sensitve and you control things by waving that thing around. So when you play tennis, you actually get to swing like you have a real tennis racket. Why should you care? No reason. I'm just geeking out here. It's just so awesome to see two amazingly creative people come together. If Steve Jobs was in that photo playing with them, I'd be shitting in my pants. [sigh] Now I have something else to save for. Curse you, Miyamoto!


Monday, May 15, 2006
EDSA After the Rain
Day in and day out, motorists are bombarded with images of cameras, phones, houses, boxers eating chicken and the mandatory (not-always-scantily-clad) gorgeous women. But today was different. It was actually, dare I say it, pleasant looking.

No, there was no new Natalie Portman Kamiseta ad, but in fact there were none. No billboards at all.

One good thing this storm did to the Philippines is clean EDSA of those annoying billboards. Okay, fine, there were a few left standing, but most of them were either torn down by the wind or taken down by the billboard owners, even that ginormous one at Guadalupe Bridge. Sure, what was left was equally ugly looking rusted steel/iron frames but it looked a whole lot better nonetheless. People should really take notice on how EDSA or the South Super Highway looks without those nasty billboards. Look how much better looking our streets would be with less clutter. They should also take notice of the risks involved of having massive billboards that will topple over with strong winds. One only has to look at the one along the highway to see the damage it can and did cause. Cosequently, that was allegedly the same one that caused the power outage in Metro Manila thus ruining my World of Warcraft session (yes, folks, I'm still shallow).

I can't help but think that this is what EDSA could've, no, should've been if it weren't for the lousy city planning. [sigh] Enjoy the view while it's there folks. This, like street names in Metro Manila, won't stay the same for long.

P.S. I would've taken photos, but it's hard to take photos while driving. I'm good, but I'm not that good.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Geeking Out
It's E3. And that usually means new (non-Apple) expensive toys. They've just showcased the PlayStation 3 at the Sony Press Conference. I haven't salivated like this since they announced the iMac Core Duo. They're releasing 2 configurations at launch this November. A feature-stripped US$499 one and a hefty US$600 cool-dude version. Both prices are pretty steep, but seeing I've already bought an insanely (more) expensive piece of hardware (cough-iMac-cough), US$600 seems much easier to save for now. And you know what that means...

It's Frugal Hermit™ time!

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006
There are Days When You Just Want to Go "AAAAAAAUGH!!!"
Don't you sometimes wish you can be as bold as Calvin? Or at least be as crazy imaginative?


That is So Wrong. But so Damn Funny!
For all you Conan O'Brien (and Walker Texas Ranger) fans out there, this one is for you:

Name: Jin
Graphic Artist/Pirate
Geek Toys:
20" iMac Core Duo, PSP, iPod (3G), EOS350D
Special Attack(s):
La Serpiente Strike
El Gato Fist

Being the mindless drone of fashion that I am, I decided to jump on the Blogging bandwagon. This site contains all my rants and raves about current events, technology, video gaming, cinema and the occasional snippets of my own geek life. (Yeah, quite original, I know.)

Best viewed at 1024x768 on Firefox or Safari. Internet Explorer 6 sucks donkey dick.

© 2006. All rights reserved.
Illustrations and Character Designs: Jin.

The Sims. © 2006. Electronic Arts, Inc.