Sunday, May 25, 2008
Alone at Last
Finally! After 27 years, a room of my own! Just finished moving the last of my stuff into my new room yesterday. I'm now currently putting the final touches. Getting my new room to my specifications involved a lot of pain, but I'm pretty happy how it turned out. Will post more photos (on my multiply site) once I get the final piece of "furniture" in my room.

Until then, I'm going to enjoy my newfound solitude.


Name: Jin
Graphic Artist/Pirate
Geek Toys:
20" iMac Core Duo, PSP, iPod (3G), EOS350D
Special Attack(s):
La Serpiente Strike
El Gato Fist

Being the mindless drone of fashion that I am, I decided to jump on the Blogging bandwagon. This site contains all my rants and raves about current events, technology, video gaming, cinema and the occasional snippets of my own geek life. (Yeah, quite original, I know.)

Best viewed at 1024x768 on Firefox or Safari. Internet Explorer 6 sucks donkey dick.

© 2006. All rights reserved.
Illustrations and Character Designs: Jin.

The Sims. © 2006. Electronic Arts, Inc.