Thursday, September 07, 2006
Damn you, Jobs! Redux
[WARNING: This post may contain drool stains.]

It's a well known fact that I am being personally pissed on by Apple Computers, Inc. As soon as I bite into their new products, a few weeks later, a brand spanking new one comes out. Case in point, when I first bought an iPod. I was the first one from Nior C to get one of these musical gizmos. I was so proud to be the first kid on the block to have this new toy. I admit I enjoyed the gawks and gaping mouths from my peers when I first whipped it out of my pocket. Hell, I expected them to do so, I spent 33 thousand pesoses on this motherf**ker!

But alas, those conspirators at Apple decided to put my arrogant ass in its place. Literally a week later, the next generation iPod came out with better controls, better battery life and, adding more insult to injury, a goddamn cheaper price tag. The following week, everyone and their grandmother's second cousin twice removed has an iPod.

And now, history repeats itself. But this time around, it concerns Apple's other fine product, the Mac. This time around, I wasn't the first kid on the block to get a Mac (For the record, it was JC). I thought I would've been spared. But no, someone in Cupertino must really likes to yank my chains (I'm looking your way, Stevie J). No sooner as I get my 20" iMac Core Duo, they go and make a bigger one. A 24-inch beast with Intel's newer, faster Core 2 Duo chips. And, like my iPod experience, now everyone seems to be buying Macs. Mai is a proud new owner of a MacBook. Berns is looking to buy one. Even Arian has a bloody MacBook Pro! [sigh] But like all the other Macheads out there, I can't complain. We're a bunch of masochists, the lot of us.

I shall just leave this as a warning for potential switchers. Make sure to buy a new Apple product when it's launched. Lest ye suffer like I have suffered. But seriously, I welcome my new Mac converts! Praise be to Jobs and spread the good word of OSX! Huzzah!

Once you go Mac...



(September 08, 2006 1:26 AM)
macs. pssshaw.
real men use DOS.

(September 08, 2006 6:31 AM)
but manly men use unix.

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Name: Jin
Graphic Artist/Pirate
Geek Toys:
20" iMac Core Duo, PSP, iPod (3G), EOS350D
Special Attack(s):
La Serpiente Strike
El Gato Fist

Being the mindless drone of fashion that I am, I decided to jump on the Blogging bandwagon. This site contains all my rants and raves about current events, technology, video gaming, cinema and the occasional snippets of my own geek life. (Yeah, quite original, I know.)

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Illustrations and Character Designs: Jin.

The Sims. © 2006. Electronic Arts, Inc.