Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Greed List: 2008 Edition
I’ve delayed this for far too long, but here we go— an exercise of excess. Y’all might remember my last list of goodies. Well, ‘tis time to update them. Without much further ado, here’s my list of coveted toys for 2008.

Wacom Intous 6x11 Widescreen Tablet. Yes, this is a carryover from the last list. Never got around to get one. The urge to draw left me last year. But maybe this year I hope to jump-start my love for illustration with a better tablet.

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM Lens. I’ve been neglecting my camera for some time now. I’ve been wanting a wide lens since late last year. Mostly because I’ve been tasked to take photos of very large groups of people lately. That and my stock 17-55mm lens conked out and 24mm isn’t as wide as I want it to be.

Drobo with FireWire 800. Most of my life resides digitally on my Mac. If I were to loose all my data (including 6 years of Photos, Freelance work & Illustrations, 25GB worth of music, and innumerable amounts of video), I might as well just jump off a cliff. Drobo might be the bestest, safest and simplest way to backup and protect my data. Now if only they’d start selling it here, maybe I can sleep more soundly at night.

White iPhone 3G. Yeah. I am an Apple fanboy. Skipped out on the last one because I'm too chicken to hack the 1st gen iPhone. But since Globe is kind enough to officially bring it over, I no longer have an excuse. So which of the new features am I really excited for? 3G? the App Store? None of them really strike my fancy. All I want is to have a seamless way to synchronize my contacts on my iMac and my phone. Yup, that’s it. Anti-climactic, isn’t it? Why white? Because three-quarters of the planet is getting black.

Well, oddly enough, that’s all I can think of at the moment. Hopefully, in this time of high gas prices, I can manage to save up and fulfill this selfish desire for material objects. What a model citizen I am.



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Name: Jin
Graphic Artist/Pirate
Geek Toys:
20" iMac Core Duo, PSP, iPod (3G), EOS350D
Special Attack(s):
La Serpiente Strike
El Gato Fist

Being the mindless drone of fashion that I am, I decided to jump on the Blogging bandwagon. This site contains all my rants and raves about current events, technology, video gaming, cinema and the occasional snippets of my own geek life. (Yeah, quite original, I know.)

Best viewed at 1024x768 on Firefox or Safari. Internet Explorer 6 sucks donkey dick.

© 2006. All rights reserved.
Illustrations and Character Designs: Jin.

The Sims. © 2006. Electronic Arts, Inc.