Wednesday, January 10, 2007
What was that I said about being Black and Shiny?

Apple did it. They released a Phone. An iPhone. The former computer company (now simply called Apple, Inc.) has now crossed into cellphones and entertainment media.

I want. ほしい. Gusto ko niyan. Damn you, Stevie J. You just made me want to spend more for something I'll probably have to take several odd jobs to pay for. [Sigh] It's tough to be a geek.

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(January 11, 2007 10:52 PM)
copycats. look at

it's the LG KE850 which won the International Forum Design's Product Design Award for 2007.

looks familiar?

(January 12, 2007 6:44 AM)
only an uninformed PC heathen would yawn at such a technological marvel as the iPhone. last time i checked, the LG chocolate DOES NOT have multi-touch for advanced hand (or in this case, finger) gestures. does it have a widescreen iPod (with CoverFlow) built-in? does it have a 4/8GB flash drive in it? does it have OSX features like a full web-browser (not those retarded washed down mobile browser found in nokias) or widgets? does it even support the recently announced visual voice mail by cingular? lastly, when is that damn thing coming out? yeah, i thought so.

next time my friend, at least READ the tech specs of the iPhone before comparing it to something that is no more than a prototype. hell, we don't really know ANYTHING else about the specs of the chocolate save for the touchscreen. sure, the iPhone could've sported 3G, but look at what else Apple brought to the table. You never really seen anything like this come out from nokia or sony ericsson (and you know how big of a sony whore i am).

look at what you made me do, i've become all snarky and shit! :p peace bro! ^_^

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Name: Jin
Graphic Artist/Pirate
Geek Toys:
20" iMac Core Duo, PSP, iPod (3G), EOS350D
Special Attack(s):
La Serpiente Strike
El Gato Fist

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