Thursday, June 21, 2007
I Killed my iPod.
Well, it happened. My trusty 40GB Third Generation iPod is dead. It snagged on the audio cable it was hooked up to in our sound system in the office, slipped out of my hand then a sudden drop then a sudden stop.

The whole room gasped as they saw it happen. My face started contorting as if a hollow block dropped on my foot. I quickly grabbed it off the floor and tested to see if it was still okay. For the first few minutes it was. I even got to play a song out of it. Then it stopped. Then my Playlists disappeared then all my songs were gone. Panicking, I reset the iPod. Then I heard the worst thing to ever come out of an iPod besides boy band music... clicking. It wasn't the clicking sound when you use the Click Wheel, it was the hard drive. It sounded a lot like this. That sound is one the first signs that your hard drive is dead or dying. I had killed my iPod.

I was planning on retiring the old girl when the touch screen one comes out (the iPhone sans the phone). But as my luck would have it, it won't even reach a fourth year with me. I thought about salvaging it by having the hard drive replaced at the Apple Center, but I was told that the replacement drive would cost PhP11,000, almost as much as a 30GB Fifth Gen iPod. So all hopes of spending one more year with my baby, the first iPod I bought. The first iPod in my barkada, way before people knew what iPods were.

The drive to work won't sound the same anymore.

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(June 21, 2007 10:53 PM)
back to CDs.

(June 22, 2007 12:15 PM)
Omaygod. Shucks. Gosh. I condole with you. Buy a new one. Now! Now! Now!

(June 23, 2007 12:28 PM)
ay shet. condolences.

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Name: Jin
Graphic Artist/Pirate
Geek Toys:
20" iMac Core Duo, PSP, iPod (3G), EOS350D
Special Attack(s):
La Serpiente Strike
El Gato Fist

Being the mindless drone of fashion that I am, I decided to jump on the Blogging bandwagon. This site contains all my rants and raves about current events, technology, video gaming, cinema and the occasional snippets of my own geek life. (Yeah, quite original, I know.)

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Illustrations and Character Designs: Jin.

The Sims. © 2006. Electronic Arts, Inc.