The Big Switcheroo
It's been a week since I switched ISPs from the Evil PLDT to Globelines. The rates are roughly same, probably cheaper. Installation was fast, but not exactly painless. Slight tweaks needed to be done to my home router. Nothing major. They installed this little box to activate their new Voice Over IP landline telephone. It sounds fancy but really isn't. Voice quality is the same as a mobile phone. One major pitfall is when the DSL or electricity goes out, so does your phone as it is dependent on your internet connection.
For me, the VOIP box was more trouble than it was worth. The box itself can only support up to 10Mbps when my router is capable of 100Mbps on cable and 54Mbps on wireless. Everything bottlenecked at the lousy box causing severe surfing issues. Whenever I load multiple tabs at once, the server stops responding forcing me to restart the modem and the box to regain access but only to lose the connection again after I load the same amount of tabs, regardless of what sites I'm viewing. When I decided to just rip out the box, everything worked fine. Thought the customer service agent assures me that the VOIP issue is isolated in our area and will be resolved soon. Though I wouldn't hold my breath.
Customer Service is a little bit more bearable. Though it still takes FOREVER to talk to a customer service agent. They have Josh Groban playing when you're on hold, slightly less annoying than the Kenny G tripe they have over at PL-fucking-DT. But after an hour of listening to Groban, you'd want to skin him alive. But I digress. Once you do get through, the agents are SOO much better than the retards at PL-fucking-DT. They are courteous, nice and they know their stuff. When they say that there'll be a technician within 24 hours. They will be a technician within 24 hours. My only gripe is when you try to make a schedule when they should come (maybe to schedule at a time when you're home to assist them), they pretty much don't follow it and just arrive when they please.
As for the download/upload speeds, I'm very happy with it. Quite speedy since I opted for the fastest plan. No major loss of connection ever since I removed that VOIP box.
So if you think you want to switch, I would say go for it. But I wouldn't rely too much on the VOIP phone. I expect things to be the same with PL-fucking-DT's bullshit NxGN phoneline crap. They're both VOIP, so don't be fooled. They rely on the same technology. And if we're talking about PL-fucking-DT, you know it's gonna cause you more troubles than they let on. But to be fair, it's still a relatively new technology, so bugs will be present. Things should work out better as the years pass. As much as I want to be free of PL-fucking-DT, I still wouldn't recommend getting rid of your plain old telephone just yet.
Final words: Globe's Internet service and Customer service? Great. VOIP phone? Not so much. Want to Switch? By all means.Labels: Tech |
Name: Jin
Graphic Artist/Pirate
Geek Toys:
20" iMac Core Duo, PSP, iPod (3G), EOS350D
Special Attack(s):
La Serpiente Strike
El Gato Fist
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Illustrations and Character Designs: Jin.
The Sims. © 2006. Electronic Arts, Inc.
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